A trademark is part of the intellectual property of a business and has incredible value. A trademark can be registered or unregistered. It is common when a business manufactures a product that is similar to its competitors. EU law has harmonised with UK law and now it is followed by decisions from the European Court of Justice. It may be complex and exhausting as waiting for approval can be long winded. If you feel someone has violated your trademark you should seek advice as soon as possible. Barristers4u can help you with your trademark dispute.
Any trademark case can be handled by chambers span the full range in terms of size and commercial importance. Some barristers would be involved in very multinational disputes involving household name. They would also conduct small and cost sensitive matters including those litigated in the intellectual property enterprise court.
Barristers assist solicitors’ frequently in day to day matters, and with barristers4u; we would be able to cut out the middle man. As well as working with solicitors, they will also have experience dealing with trade mark agents and patent attorneys.
Some selected barristers can be specialists in trademarks; your barrister will give you direct advice on any legal dispute, and they will help you draft the relevant documents you need. We offer invaluable assistance at any stage of a trademark claim, whether it is initial advice, advocacy in the higher courts or any settlement. Barristers4u will be able to take you through every step when dealing with your particular trademark dispute. Mediation may also be the best option for you, and it is now essential of modern civil litigation in the UK and abroad. Our barristers can offer a wide range of alternative dispute resolutions’.
If you need good and reliable advice, on any form of trademarks, then, choose a barrister from Barristers4u. We will be able to give you a free no obligation quote on your case. In addition, we would be able to put you in contact with a barrister, who would be able to advise you on any proceedings that you need to take or defend.Barristers4u will be able to provide you a “ trademark barrister” and all you have to do, is follow the instructions below.